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- Aanvrager van het lidmaatschap
- Aspirantlid
- Erkend lid
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Franchise Status: Aspirant lidStorebox is the first fully digitalized self-storage and logistics network in Europe, with over 350 locations in Austria, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Switserland. We offer storage for private and business purposes, which are automatically accessible at any time. With our successful and multiple awarded franchise system, we manage to grow and will continue to expand within Europe following our mission to revolutionise inner-city logistics.
The Storebox franchise system is among the fastest-growing in Europe, with over 300 franchise licenses granted and locations in six European countries: Austria, Germany, Switserland, Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg.
The unique aspect of the Storebox franchise system lies in its ideal framework within a rapidly growing market segment. Franchisees can operate their Storebox as a side business, while the locations can be run without staff thanks to innovative technology and a fully digitalized system. This enables storebox franchise partners to operate independently and become successful players in their local markets. As an established system, Storebox not only provides support for its franchise partners but also offers long-term assistance through the franchise headquaters.